Who wouldn’t enjoy an elaborate lunch, but to cook and carry a feast to work or school is next to impossible. Alright, even if you cook the hearty meal, how will you carry it? Spills, space, boxes…oh such a pain! Fret not; the new superhero of lunch service is here. Sunch! The lunchbox that does a transformer stunt and converts into a tray with an array of dishes to feast from. Impromptu picnic during lunch hour at work? Sunch will take care of the lack of picnic tables in the vicinity. Just open it up and arrange the tray across your lap and enjoy your meal!
When each side of the outer box is opened, they flatten out to become a table. Ring shaped slots at the bottom of each dish, container and bottle ensure they don’t topple over the table.
Basically a very Stable Table!
Designer: Soo Kang Lee
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