LifeStyle Gadgets Headline Animator

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An Empty Bottle Gets A New Purpose In Life

What good is an empty discarded glass bottle? It only deserves to go back to the recycle bin! NOOO! Wait, don’t give up as yet, invert it over the “Re:fill Chime Bell And Lights” and see it dazzle on your restaurant table! The concept is this: you’re in the restaurant waiting for the waiter to show up to take your order, frantic waving and subtle gestures aren’t working. Use this ingenious gadget to attract the guy’s attention: order = pink light; water = blue light and bill = green light. Sneaky me is never gonna hit the bill button!

Designer: Doyeop Kim




Re:fill Chime Bell And Lights For Restaurants by Doyeop.Kim


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