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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Storms Checked at the Door

Sorry, no hurricanes allowed in here. We spent all of one afternoon installing these here hurricane shutters on the entrances so you should probably take a hint, mister hurricane. What we have here is a solution to the aches and pains one must go through to install hurricane shutters on doors and windows when the season arrives. These are made of Lexan, which is normally a hurt to drill through - with Sachin Mistry’s shutters, the shutters stay fresh, minty, and un-screwed!

What’s that you say: un-screwed? The kind of un-screwed that means there was never a screw in the first place? Triflin wits! How is such a thing done! With sleeves, of course!

The brackets are sold as individual units and four units are required to hold a 40″ wide lexan storm panel in place. Each bracket unit measures at H:7 3/4″ x D:3 1/2″ x W: 24″. The brackets are made using Verton, which is fiberglass filled ABS to withstand the elements. Also, the brackets can be trimmed to size depending on the job.

So they’re good to go! This is basically plug-n-play storm shutters. Gotta love anything this simple to construct that also works fabulously.

Designer: Sachin Mistry with Fitch


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