LifeStyle Gadgets Headline Animator

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting Wasted with Jeong Min Kim!

It’s the “FOODOO!” In Korea, food waste cannot be tossed out with the rest of the garbage. The food must be collected in a separate bag, kept together until garbage day when it’s handed to the garbage people. During this time it gets YUCKY. And you know what happens when things yet YUCKY: things also get real SMELLY. What Jeong Min Kim has here is a device that both heats and dries the food waste into a solid block. Don’t put your puppy in there!

In the FooDoo the food is made into blocks that are one-fifth of the wastes original volume. Like most similar devices, it is made to be built-in to the cabinet system of the kitchen.

It has two modes:
Heating Mode
Smell-Suction Mode

and whoever crushes the biggest amount of banana peels and stink into one singular unit wins a big prize! The prize is a banana block. Good job.

Designer: Jeong Min Kim

FOODOO Food Waste Dispenser by Jeong Min Kim 01

FOODOO Food Waste Dispenser by Jeong Min Kim 02

FOODOO Food Waste Dispenser by Jeong Min Kim 03

FOODOO Food Waste Dispenser by Jeong Min Kim 04

FOODOO Food Waste Dispenser by Jeong Min Kim 05


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