LifeStyle Gadgets Headline Animator

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This beating could use some pepper…

Are you an alpha or a beta? Well now it doesn’t really matter next time you are confronted with a would be mugger or attacker. Designer Idan Arbel has come up with this brilliant idea. Once you have successfully rendered your assailant a curled up crying mess on the floor, with these “Pepper Knuckles, you can proceed to give him the beating of a lifetime. Go ahead, hit a criminal when he/she is down… it’s only fair play. While you are at it, steal his/her wallet and drop it off at the nearest police station just for laughs. That will teach people to mess with “Pepper Knuckles.” I like that name, reminds me of a Mexican Wrestler… Pepper Knuckles vs. Nacho Libre!

Designer: Idan Arbel


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