Growing up in a typical Indian household meant imbibing certain rituals, like learning a musical instrument. Girls were encouraged to learn the Harmonium or the Sitar and the boys took up Tabla. Un/fortunately I wasn’t traditional and learnt the flute, bugle and trumpet instead. My brothers took up the saxophone and the drums; we used to often joke that we could start a home band! If you’ve not tried playing a musical instrument, then I feel you’ve missed something in life. Come, let me charm you with 10 ideas that will encourage you to hit a note!
10) UFO Shaped Electronic Drums by Petr Kubík
Capture your rhythmic beats in vivid colors; this electronic drum produces lighted impressions of your hand in psychedelic colors as it strikes the surface. A great way to learn the beats!
9) The Key Between You Piano by Yves Plattard and Yamaha
Hone your piano skills and show it off to an intimate audience; what’s the use of learning the Chopsticks or Beethoven if you can’t flaunt it.
8 ) Maestro Laser And MP3 Guitar Learning Aid by Eugene Cheong
Air Guitar may be fun, but if you must learn the real thing, then here’s the perfect aid. You put MP3s into the device via SD card, the songs are converted into guitar tablature, and the tablature is projected, with laser lights, onto the guitar fretboard as you play. Rock And Roll!
7) Squidolin Electric Violin by Carlos R.Mendez
This instrument is shown in such poor light in Hollywood movies, it almost sound like a nightmare piece! Hook up this electric violin to a TV and follow the tutorials; I’m sure you won’t sound like a screech!
A sketchpad with a keyboard makes an interesting combo. When you’re not busy making notes play some.
5) Lapbeat Digital Percussion Instrument by Lee Dong Chul & Tamy Lee
Percussion instruments add that dash of electric flavor to any music. Here’s a cool way to express your hand-beats. Don’t drum the table or your lap for that matter, hit the Lapbeat and experience deeper and richer sounds.
4) Vivace Multiple Instruments In One by Young-Shin Lee & Hae-Jin Jung
An all-in-one that combines multiple instruments, track recording, equalizer, sound editing, internet connectivity, and a touchscreen interface! Get tech-savvy and music savvy, all at once.
3) Feast of Music by Fumiaki Goto
Need company, don’t want to learn an instrument alone? Get the whole family involved… Built like a marimba, the varying sized top surfaces of this design creates different tones when struck.
2) Musical Rumba Series by Tor Clausen
Instead a plain-Jane coffee table opt for this musical furniture that includes a personal drum table with interchangeable and rearrange-able percussion inserts. Choose between any number of sizes and instruments like; Tamborine, Snare Drum, Medium Bongo, Low Bongo, High Bongo, Shaker, Chimes, Bell, Cow Bell, High Hat, Cajon Bass Drum, and Cymbal Crash.
1) Compose Music Tablet by Ouyang Xi, He Binbin, Zeng Li & Li Bo
An honest musician knows that to learn music you must know how to READ music. Compose Tablet here won’t actually teach you to read or write music but it will note down your compositions on the digital paper tablet. It automatically transforms your vocal harmonies to a score, plus if you want you can write it down yourself. The library store all your songs for future referral.
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