There are many ways to find money on the internet. One way is through the who pay you to review a website. You will be paid per post. If you have a blog then blog advertising is one of the best ways to make money. Here at, your blog can be accepted if your blog fulfill requirements, your blog preferred have Google PageRank, next your blog have a good traffic with score above 1,000,000 on alexa, and have posts regularly. Later in the blog you must have the original posting, and review posting with ratio 3:1. This means there are 3 original posts and 1 post filled review.
The program paid review from is how advertise on blogs. As the name suggests, as the publisher of this program you are asked to write a review products or services (in English) and will receive a commission on the review that you write in your blog. Yes, the blog you can also register as a publisher program paid review. Even if your blog has a link ranking, Alexa, Technorati and PR (Page Rank), which is high enough, you might get a large commission for a review article.
Become a member of is easy, you just register form with fill some questions. In a few days you will be notice trough email about your register. Accepted or rejected its depend that decide it. If your account accepted, you just copy code to you blog or site in order to get opportunities. After that you may accept opportunities from You can browse in your account for menu open opportunities to see if there is an opportunity that can be reserve. If you get opportunity and click the reserve, now you can write a review about advertiser request and finished for 6 hours. If approved you will be paid. if declined you must rewrite suitable the advertiser's wishes. After earning $50 it will send to you by your paypal account. Just simple right? So join and get paid to post.
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